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This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design and Design Thinking in the Real World - Downlo


How can you bring your ideas to life in the face of such complexity? Orchestrating Experiences is a practical guide for designers and everyone struggling to create products and services in complex environments.

This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design and Design Thinking in the Real World download

A comprehensive introduction to designing services according to the needs of the customer or participants, this book addresses a new and emerging field of design and the disciplines that feed and result from it.

Table of contents : Table of ContentsPreface01 Why Service Design? 1.1 What Do Customers Want? 1.2 The Challenges for Organizations United Breaks Guitars Why I Choose Service Design 1.3 Why a Service Design Approach?02 What Is Service Design? 2.1 Defining Service Design 2.2 Different Views 2.3 Origins and Progress 2.4 What Service Design Isn't 2.5 The Principles of Service Design, Revisited Service design and service-dominant logic: A perfect match The 12 Commandments of Service Design Doing03 Basic Service Design Tools Tools vs. Methods 3.1 Research Data Assumption-based vs. research-based tools 3.2 Personas Boundary objects 3.3 Journey Maps Dramatic arcs Steps, touchpoints, and moments of truth 3.4 System Maps Stakeholder terminology 3.5 Service Prototypes Service prototyping: This is how you learn, and always have Physical evidences 3.6 Business Model Canvas04 The Core Activities of Service Design 4.1 In Seach of a Process for Designing a Service Iterative and adaptive design in a VUCA world 4.2 Core Patterns in the Design Process Patience, young Padawan, your time will come Adapt and iterative forward, or how to not go in circles 4.3 Introducing the Core Activities of the TISDD Service Design Framework05 Research Move Beyond Assumptions 5.1 The Process of Service Design Research Overt vs. covert research Generic stages of a customer journey Problem space vs. solution space 05B Research Methods 5.2 Methods of Data Collection Desk Research Self-Ethnographic Approach Participant Approach Non-Participant Approach Co-Creative Workshop 5.3 Methods of Data Visualization, Synthesis, and Analysis 05C Research Cases 5.4.1 Case: Applying Ethnography to Gain Actionable Insights 5.4.2 Case: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Service Design 5.4.3 Case: Developing and Using Valuable Personas 5.4.4 Case: Illustrating Research Data with Journey Maps 5.4.5 Case: Current-State (As-Is) and Future-State (To-Be) Journey Mapping06 Ideation Where Ideas Come From 6.1 Ideas 6.2 Decisions Abductive thinking 6.3 The Process of Ideation Reflection out of action The Kano model 06B Ideation Methods 6.4 Ideation Methods 06C Ideation Cases 6.5.1 Case: Opening the Design Studio to Your Customers 6.5.2 Case: Co-Design with Hybrid Methods 6.5.3 Case: Building on Solid Research 6.5.4 Case: Mixed-Method Ideation 6.5.5 Case: Supporting Creativity with Trigger Visuals07 Prototyping Reducing Uncertainty 7.1 The Process of Service Prototyping Experiential aspects: Getting concrete Wishlists and hostages Two types of service prototyping: Direct experience vs. indirect imagination Dealing with failure of prototypes and critique 07B Prototyping Methods 7.2 Prototyping Methods From specialized approaches to your own living prototyping lab 07C Prototyping Cases 7.3.1 Case: Enabling Effective Co-Creation through Prototyping Minimum Viable Solutinos and Contextual Mock-ups 7.3.2 Case: Using Prototyping and Co-Creation to Create Ownership and Close Collaboration 7.3.3 Case: Enabling Staff and Stakeholders to Prototype for Continuous Evolution 7.3.4 Case: Minimum Lovable Products, Living Prototypes, and High-Fidelity Sketching in Code 7.3.5 Case: Using Role-Plays and Simulations in Large-Scale 1:1 Prototypes 7.3.6 Case: Using Multifaceted Prototyping to Create and Iterate Business and Service Models08 Implementation The Sharp End of Service Design 8.1 From Prototype to Production Pilots: Prototypes or implementation? 8.2 Service Design and Change Management 8.3 Service Design and Software Development 8.4 Service Design and Product Management 8.5 Service Design and Architecture 08B Implementation Cases 8.6.1 Case: Empowering Employees for Sustainable Implementation of a Service Design Project 8.6.2 Case: Implementing Service Design to Create Experiences, Momentum, and Results in Sales 8.6.3 Case: Implementing Service Design in a Software Startup 8.6.4 Case: Creating Measurable Business Impact through Piloting and Implementing Service Design Projects09 Service Design Process and Management Managing Iterations 9.1 Understanding the Service Design Process: A Fast-Forward Example 9.2 Planning for a Service Design Process 9.3 Managing the Service Design Process 9.4 Examples: Process Templates 09B Service Design Process and Management Cases 9.5.1 Case: Creating Repeatable Processes to Continually Improve Services and Experiences at Massive Scale 9.5.2 Case: Managing Strategic Design Projects 9.5.3 Case: Using a Five-Day Service Design Sprint to Create a Shared Cross-Channel Strategy10 Facilitating Workshops Why Facilitate? 10.1 Key Concepts of Facilitation 10.2 Styles and Roles of Facilitation 10.3 Success Factors 10.4 Key Facilitation Techniques 10B Facilitating Workshops Methods 10C Facilitation Workshops Cases 10.6.1 Case: The Energizing Power of the Unfamiliar 10.6.2 Case: Pivot and Focus11 Making Space for Service Design Why Have a Dedicated Space? 11.1 Types of Spaces 11.2 Building the Space 11.3 Space or No Space? 11B Making Space for Service Design Cases 11.4.1 Case: Sending a Message in a Major Organization 11.4.2 Case: Sowing the Seeds of Innovation and Change12 Embedding Service Design in Organizations 12.1 Getting Started 12.2 Scaling Up 12.3 Establishing Profiency 12.4 Design Sprints 12B Embedding Service Design in Organization Cases 12.5.1 Case: Including Service Design in Nationwide HIgh School Curricula 12.5.2 Case: Introducing Service Design in a Governmental Organization 12.5.3 Case: Increasing National Service Design Awareness and Expertise 12.5.4 Case: Integrating Service Design in a Multinational Organization 12.5.5 Case: Creating a Customer-Centric Culture through Service Design 12.5.6 Case: Building Up Service Design Knowledge Across ProjectsCo-AuthorsMain AuthorsIndex

In service design, you work within a broad scope including user experience (UX) design and customer experience (CX) design. To design for everyone concerned, you must appreciate the macro- and micro-level factors that affect their realities.

Service design applies both to not-so-tangible areas (e.g., riders buying a single Uber trip) and tangible ones (e.g., iPhone owners visiting Apple Store for assistance/repairs). Overall, service design is a conversation where you should leave your users and customers satisfied at all touchpoints, delighted to have encountered your brand.

Then in 1991, Prof. Dr. Michael Erlhoff (of Köln International School of Design - KISD) proposed that service design be considered a design discipline. He would go on to form an international conglomerate of universities that provided service design education and a network for academics and professionals involved in the discipline.

The tools for analysis can involve social studies, ethnographic studies, anthropology, etc. these areas offer an incredible number of tools and care should be taken to select the right tool for the service design project.

Your primary instructor in the course is Frank Spillers. Frank is CXO of award-winning design agency Experience Dynamics and a service design expert who has consulted with companies all over the world. Much of the written learning material also comes from John Zimmerman and Jodi Forlizzi, both Professors in Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University and highly influential in establishing design research as we know it today.

Summary: What is design thinking and why should you care? History and background plus a quick overview and visualization of 6 phases of the design thinking process. Approaching problem solving with a hands-on, user-centric mindset leads to innovation, and innovation can lead to differentiation and a competitive advantage.

It is a common misconception that design thinking is new. Design has been practiced for ages: monuments, bridges, automobiles, subway systems are all end-products of design processes. Throughout history, good designers have applied a human-centric creative process to build meaningful and effective solutions.

In order for this approach to be adopted across large organizations, it needed to be standardized. Cue design thinking, a formalized framework of applying the creative design process to traditional business problems.

The specific term "design thinking" was coined in the 1990's by David Kelley and Tim Brown of IDEO, with Roger Martin, and encapsulated methods and ideas that have been brewing for years into a single unified concept.

The design-thinking framework follows an overall flow of 1) understand, 2) explore, and 3) materialize. Within these larger buckets fall the 6 phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement.

Why should we introduce a new way to think about product development? There are numerous reasons to engage in design thinking, enough to merit a standalone article, but in summary, design thinking achieves all these advantages at the same time: 2ff7e9595c

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